Effective website design involves more than getting traffic to your website. It is also important that they become engaged when they visit so that they transition into being a customer. To accomplish this, you need to capture their attention and gain their trust. In essence, give them a reason to want to do business with you. If your website looks like every other one in your industry, it might answer their questions about what you do, but it won’t help them feel connected with you. To achieve that, you need to put focus on your “About Us” page. This is the section that shares what you are all about and what makes you unique and the right choice.

There are many ways to go about an About Us page and your website design team can help determine the best option for your situation. For example, it might be an area dedicated to showing off your owners and team by showing their experience, their passions, and making them feel approachable to potential customers. It might tell the story about how you got your business started and the passions that led you to where you are now. It might show samples of your work to provide inspiration and set expectations for what you can accomplish.

The key to achieving the ideal About Us page is to be communicative and open with your website design team. Without being willing to share about yourself and how you want to be presented to the world, don’t be surprised if you have a pretty ho-hum page that doesn’t engage your audience in the way that will drive your success. They cannot read your mind any more than visitors to your website can. Take the time during your website development to make your About Us and other pages stand out in the crowd and it will be well worth the time and effort that you have invested.