No one wants to regularly do window replacement on their home because it can be a very costly venture. It is a nice thing to do, but it would be much easier to not have to do window replacement ever. However, since it does need to happen the question becomes how often will you need window replacement? Here are some situations when you should consider window replacement.

  • 15-25 Years: A standard quality window should last between 15 and 25 years before window replacement should be considered. Depending on the weather and the type of window, 15 to 25 years is usually a pretty good estimate of the life of a window, so you can expect and plan on windows lasting this long.
  • Broken Windows: Whether it is due to something hitting the window, the weather being particularly harsh on it, or occasionally thermal expansion your windows can crack, shatter, or break. A broken window can be hard on your utility bill, so you should get it replaced right away.
  • Upgrade Needed: Sometimes it is just time to upgrade your windows. While the cheap plastic windows may have more life in them, sometimes you need to upgrade to better quality windows. This could involve improvements like insulated windows, which decrease utility bills and increase noise isolation. While not a necessity, sometimes it is well worth it to do window replacement if it means a substantial upgrade.

There are many times when you may want to do window replacement, but these three examples are perfect times. Do not put off window replacement if it is something you need or want very badly.