Everyone always talks about natural light, but is installing more windows to get more natural light always the best solution? While there are advantages to having more walls, sometimes more windows are not always better. Here are a few pros and cons to having more windows as compared to having less.

  • Insulation: In some cases, windows can be better at insulating than insulated walls. Due to advancements in technology such as tinting, coatings, and multiple panes windows can be better at insulating your home than walls.
  • Weather: Windows may have a harder time holding up to intense weather conditions. While this does depend on the quality of the weather stripping and seals, more windows may not always be optimal. This also depends heavily on the location, because windows quality needs to depend on the weather conditions of the location of the building they are on.
  • Design: The design of your windows is far more important than the count, at times. If you perpetually add windows to a building without considering the design of the building itself then adding more windows is not the best solution. Always make sure to consider the benefits of windows as it relates to design as well.
  • Privacy: Having incredibly large windows across your house may lose you some privacy. Tinting of the windows will reduce the visibility into your home, so consider how visible you want your windows when adding lots of windows into your home.

There are many things that need to be taken into account when building a home with a lot of windows or adding more windows. While increased natural light is usually a good thing, these points should be taken into account as well.