The vast majority of buildings have windows in them, and many fancy buildings tend towards more windows. But has anyone really asked, what are the actual benefits of windows? It seems obvious that windows are good, but what do windows actually do? Here are some benefits of windows.

  • Natural Light: The first obvious answer is that windows provide natural light. Windows allow you to light a building without having to use artificial light. Time and time again, science shows that more sunshine improves mood, so having natural light in a building will improve people’s lives.
  • Utility Bills: More natural light means less artificial light, which will lower your electricity bill. Good quality windows can also be better insulators than drywall. This means that the more windows, the less you have to use your HVAC system, thereby saving you more money.
  • Aesthetic: Windows are also very attractive. Rather than having flat planes of wall that need to be filled with something, windows break up the plainness of walls. This makes a building easier to style and look good because of the windows.
  • Outside World: Whether your window blinds are open or the window itself is open this can lead to a view of the outside. Being able to look outside or bring in fresh air will make the building feel more like a place of living and less like a cell.

Between the aesthetics and cost, windows are a wonderful thing. It is no surprise that they are featured in most buildings at an increasing pace.