To be a safe driver, you need your windshield glass to be clean and undamaged. The fact is that you can’t see through any dirt on your windshield, which could lead to accidents. Here are the reasons why it’s essential always to keep it clean and damage-free.

1. Airflow

A clean windshield also allows for optimal airflow, which is vital in the summertime when it’s hot, and you need to have as much air circulating through your car as possible.

2. Appearance

Your windshield glass is the first thing that people see when they look at your car, and a clean one looks much more professional than an unclean one does. So if you want to ensure that everyone sees how great of a driver you are, it’s best to keep your windshield looking as good as possible.

3. Cost

Keeping your windshield clean and damage-free is much cheaper than replacing it, so you can save money in the long run by keeping it clean.

4. Safety

As mentioned before, you can’t see through any dirt on your windshield. This means that if there’s a rock or other debris on the road, you might not be able to see it in time to avoid hitting it and causing damage to your car. So always keep your windshield clean and free of any obstructions.

Always keep your windshield glass clean and damage-free for safety reasons. It may take a little extra effort, but it’s always worth it to ensure that you and your passengers stay safe on the road.