Yellow jackets are stinging insects, but unlike the friendly bumblebee they can become aggressive and harmful if disturbed. These insects live underground and can become a problem when you least expect it, like gardening or mowing your lawn. If you have an issue with these insects, you will want to follow these tips for safe yellow jacket removal.

  1. Prepare Yourself – Yellow jackets are often drawn to sweet things, so if you are drinking juice outdoors make sure to cover it. If you know you have a yellow jacket issue, you should also wear heavier clothes and long-sleeves as they can sting through light-weight fabrics.
  2. Find the Nest – Do this carefully. Make sure you are wearing appropriate attire and keep yourself protected. Listen in your yard for loud buzzing and get the general location for where you think the nest is.
  3. Remain Calm – Try to remain calm in the presence of yellow jackets. Do not swat at them, scream, or try to run. Carefully and slowly brush a yellow jacket off if it lands on you.
  4. Call Professional Pest Control – The safest yellow jacket removal is through a professional pest control company. If you have a serious problem, it can be dangerous for you to do on your own. Call a professional right away if you don’t think you can handle the problem.

Yellow jacket removal is no joke and can be dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing. Remaining calm, taking the necessary precautions, and calling a professional pest control company or bee removal company is the best way to safely remove yellow jackets from your property.