One of the questions that many HVAC companies get asked is how often you should contact them for air conditioning services. The reality is that it isn’t just about frequency but also the situation at hand. The rule of thumb about having your air conditioner serviced once a year, preferably in the spring, isn’t the only bit of advice they would tell you. A blanket statement is always intended to be for most situations, which means your situation could dictate a different frequency for air conditioning services.

For example, even if a seller told you they just had the HVAC serviced before they put their home on the market, you should have the system inspected yourself, preferably before closing. You want to know about any issues while they are still the seller’s responsibility to resolve. You also want to fully understand the condition of the equipment and how long it might be before you need to replace it.

Another factor that determines the frequency of air conditioning services is the age of the system. An older system should be checked out more often than a newer one. Lifestyle differences can also come into play. If you keep the windows open a lot, live on a dirt road, have one or more shedding pets, or have other stressors on the HVAC unit, you’ll want to schedule maintenance visits more often.

The key to properly scheduling air conditioning services is to talk with your chosen HVAC services provider. They can go over your system and discuss your situation to achieve the best schedule for lasting reliability and efficiency.