How old is your water heater? Does it make any funny noises? These are just a couple of signs that you might need a water heater replacement. The lifespan of water heaters is about 10-12 years, but it’s always smart to be aware of the signs.

  • Water Is Pooling Around the Base. If you start to notice water beneath and around the base of your water heater, you likely have a leak. This standing water can also cause damage to your home, so you won’t want to let this issue sit.
  • Rusty Water Comes Out of Your Sinks. If you notice dirty water coming out of your sinks, this likely means you have a rusty water heater tank. This contaminated water means that corrosion is happening in your water heater and it will need to be replaced.
  • Your Water Comes Out Cold. If you can’t seem to get your water to come out hot, your water heater might be showing its age. There also may be an issue with your gas burner or an electrical coil.
  • You Hear Hissing Noises. Noises could be a signal that sediment has built up and hardened or that there are cracks or damage on the water heater. These issues can sometimes be fixed, but if it’s an older water heater, it will need to be replaced.

When signs start to show that you need a water heater replacement, you may not have a lot of time to do research and find the right water heater for your home and budget. Take the time to prepare before it happens, so that you’re ready when it does. You can call your local plumber to help you through the water heater replacement process. A knowledgeable and experienced plumber can help you look at the different options for water heaters so you can get the right one for your needs and budget.