Custom foot orthotics are specialized shoe inserts that are custom-made to fit your feet. These orthotics are designed to correct your feet and lower limbs while providing support and stability. In many cases, custom foot orthotics can help alleviate different foot-related problems and conditions.

Unlike over-the-counter insoles or shoe inserts, custom foot orthotics are made to fit your foot’s unique shape, size, and arch structure. Thanks to this customization, your custom orthotics will provide a precise, comfortable fit.

Custom orthotics can also serve multiple purposes. For example, for some people, custom orthotics provide much-needed support to the arches of the feet, helping to distribute body weight evenly and reduce strain on different areas of the foot. For others, orthotics can correct improper foot alignment, alleviate foot and lower limb pain, and even enhance physical performance by providing additional stability and support during physical activities.

You don’t need to purchase any special shoes to wear with your custom orthotics. In fact, most orthotics are designed to fit into most types of regular footwear, including work boots, dress shoes, and athletic shoes. As a result, you can benefit from the support and correction provided by orthotics while still wearing your preferred footwear.

As time passes, you may need to have periodic adjustments made to your orthotics. This typically involves being fitted for a new pair of custom orthotics, so you can continue to reap the benefits that come from wearing these insoles in your shoes.