When going through a divorce you may wonder if the extra cost of hiring a divorce lawyer is worth it. There are many pros and cons to hiring a divorce lawyer, so you may wonder if it will be helpful to your situation. Here are a few of those pros and cons of hiring a divorce lawyer that can help you decide.


  • Experienced: A divorce lawyer will have experience with these situations, and will know how to do the paperwork, how to negotiate, and how to maximize helping you. Not many people become well versed in divorce, unless they are a lawyer who can help.
  • Time and Money: Some issues with divorce can be long and drawn out. Child custody can take years to settle but hiring a lawyer can help expedite processes and reduce long term costs.
  • Stress: A divorce is incredibly stressful, but a divorce lawyer can help reduce that stress. They take a lot of the load off your shoulders and do the work themselves.


  • Tensions: Hiring a divorce lawyer can signal to the other party all kinds of things. While you cannot control how they would react, sometimes it could further strain your relationship and cause high tensions now and further in the future.
  • Cost: A divorce lawyer could end up being financially beneficial to you, but the thought of paying high fees to a lawyer today could be difficult to swallow.

While not all divorces will need a divorce lawyer, sometimes it is well worth the cost. Whether because there are a lot of complications in your case, or because you want to minimize the difficulty of the divorce a divorce lawyer may be right for you.