Are you the kind of person who groans inwardly every time someone mentions being at the gym or what happened on their jog that morning or just exercise in general? We all know we should be exercising, but if you aren’t a regular exerciser it can be a sore spot to hear about everyone else’s great workouts.

Exercising has numerous health & wellness benefits. It helps you control your weight, helps you sleep better, boosts your mood and productivity, and most importantly will help you combat countless chronic diseases. Unlike nutrition recommendations, which always seem to be changing, the recommendation to exercise regularly has been consistently touted by health & wellness professionals everywhere.

If you’re the type of person who dreads exercising, the key to help it become a consistent part of your life is to make it fun . . . and exercise can definitely be fun! You just have to find the right fit for you! When most of think about exercising, we envision ourselves sweating it out on treadmill, watching the timer tick slowly down. Fortunately, there are tons of ways to get great exercise that don’t involve the treadmill. Here are a few of my suggestions:

  • Play sports. Try out racquetball, tennis, volleyball, golf, etc. It all counts! As long as you are moving, you’ll be getting the health & wellness benefits. Join a team, find a partner, or take a class. You’ll be having so much fun, you won’t even remember you’re exercising!
  • Try strength training. Many people view weight lifting as intimidating or only for people who are looking to get ripped. Not true! Strength training is an important aspect of fitness that everyone should aim to incorporate into their lifestyle. Not sure where to get started? Set up an appointment with a personal trainer.
  • Exercise in a group. It’s more fun if you’re not doing it alone. Group fitness classes are a fun way to get in a great workout. You’ll also make it to the gym more if you have people counting on you to be there.
  • Try interval training. Cardio can be tedious. If you plan a workout that involves intervals, you’ll be so busy keeping up with the set, you won’t even notice the clock.
  • Sign up for a race. Races can be hugely motivating and rewarding when you make it to the big day. Whether you prefer running, biking, swimming, or another type of movement, pick a race and make goal!

The bottom line is to make exercise something you enjoy. Don’t be afraid to try new things, and you’ll be sure to find something that will get you excited to get moving!