If you get into a car accident and you are injured, you might think that you need to call a lawyer immediately because that’s what happens in the movies. But there are a few things that you want to do before you call a local personal injury law attorney. Here are three things that you want to do first:

Call the Police

One thing that you want to do if you’re in a car accident before calling a personal injury law attorney is to call the police. If you yourself can’t do it, have someone like a bystander or a passenger do it. You will want to have a police report. The police also should get the other driver’s information.

Take Pictures

Something else that you want to do before you call a lawyer is to take pictures. Then again, if you can’t do it yourself, have someone else do it. Make sure that you have pictures of your vehicle, the other vehicle, and any road conditions if applicable.

Go to the Hospital

Even if you aren’t sure that you are hurt or how badly you are hurt, go to the hospital. A lot of injuries don’t show up right away and you have adrenaline going through you right now so you may not feel anything. So it’s best to be checked out.

These are three things to do before calling a trusted personal injury law attorney. They are likely going to help them build the case and make things go a lot easier over the next few months.