If you are a homeowner with a septic tank, you know how expensive it can be when you need septic services. That’s why it’s a good idea to know ways to avoid paying for expensive septic services except for necessary maintenance. Below are three tips that you can use to keep your septic tank running well.

1. Maintain Your Home’s Drain Field

This can be done by not planting trees and gardens near your drainfield. This will help to prevent the growth of roots which can bump against your septic. You also shouldn’t park over the drainfield.

2. Limit What You’re Putting Down the Garbage Disposal

A big reason that septic services are called out is that the system is clogged up, and this is often due to people putting a lot down their garbage disposal. Some of the things you shouldn’t put down your disposal are fats, grease and coffee grounds.

3. Purchase High-Efficiency Appliances

Using water efficiently can help with improving a septic system’s operation. When you are wasting a lot of water, that water’s going to get into the septic system. This can lead to flooding of your drainfield and damage. Purchasing high-efficiency appliances can help with preventing this.

Use these three tips to avoid having to call out emergency septic services because you have a big problem. Not only can septic system issues be costly, but they can also be unhealthy. These tips will help you have a well-working septic system and keep things running as they should.