Did you just have your windshield glass replaced? You might be tempted to put it all behind you and just go back to your normal routine. But there are some important things to consider after getting a replacement windshield glass. Here are 3 sensible tips to keep in mind after getting a replacement windshield glass.

1. Let the seal set. You might be excited to get back out on the road, but after getting a replacement windshield glass, it’s best to wait a while – for one or two hours, at least. This is because auto glass technicians use a special adhesive when replacing a windshield. The adhesive holds the glass in place and makes a strong waterproof seal. Like other adhesives, it needs enough time to dry and set.

2. Check the interior. If your old windshield glass was damaged and resulted in cracks, chips, or even shards, you should be extra careful when getting back into your car. Although auto glass technicians will clean it up before turning the car over to you, there might be bits and shards that were missed and could cause injury. Carefully check the interior of your car and, when you get home, use a vacuum to ensure a thorough clean.

3. Be gentle on it. Let your new windshield glass set properly for the next few days. Go easy on it. Avoid pressure washing, power washers, high-pressure car washes, automatic car washes, and the like. Also try to close the doors gently and avoid bumpy roads so that there is less stress on the adhesive or seal around the glass.

If you are about to get a replacement windshield glass or you have just had one, consider these sensible tips. Protect yourself and your new windshield glass as well.