It is not uncommon to go to your primary care physician when you have an ailment or illness and you need relief. However, there may be another way to deal with what ails you. Chiropractic treatments have long been known for dealing with back pain, neck pain, and associated spinal complaints. However, chiropractic treatments can often be helpful with many other ailments as well: 

  1. Ears – Chiropractic treatments have been found to provide relief from such conditions as vertigo and tinnitus, and have helped some patients improve their hearing. They are also helpful for resolving ear infections in children.
  2. ADHD – Parents who are struggling trying to get the best care possible for a child with ADHD are often uncomfortable with the use of psychotropic medications. It has been found that in some cases spinal manipulation accompanied with some nutritional supplements can have a profound effect on various emotional, and social difficulties. This includes not only ADHD, but minor cases of ineffectiveness and hyperactivity.
  3. PMS – Dealing with premenstrual discomforts can be anything from mildly inconvenient to majorly disruptive. In some cases, it has been found that chiropractic treatments have lessened the severity of PMS.
  4. Headaches & Migraines – Many headaches, and even migraines, originate from neck misalignments and can thus be improved with chiropractic treatments.

Miscellaneous – While every patient is different and the causes for their ailments are different as well, a number of miscellaneous types of ailments could be helped by chiropractic treatments. Other possible ailments that can be helped include Bell’s palsy, inflammatory bowel disease, some types of cancers, high blood pressure, chronic sinusitis, arthritis, and rotator cuff injuries.